Global Basecamps

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Travel's Role in Taking Charge of Our Planet's Future

September 26,2019

Last Friday, millions of people across the globe skipped school, walked out of offices and banded together to protest climate change. Demonstrators in what was collectively called the Global Climate Strike demanded an “end to the age of fossil fuels.''

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How Can Travel Support Global Emergencies

September 12,2019

Travel changes lives and raises consciousness … this is for certain. Things you’ll commonly hear from people recently back from international travel will not only describe how good a time they had, but also how fulfilling and educational their time was. Those who travel with a sustainable tourism operator will not only have the time of their life, but also know they gave back to the local communities they visited AND learned a ton about the world around them as they did!

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What Do Trees Have To Do With Travel?

August 20,2019

No two ways about it - those of us who love to travel are almost always equally passionate about sustainability! A huge part of making our travel more sustainable includes not just visiting with beautiful cultures, touring majestic natural areas, and seeing exotic wildlife, but also doing our part to leave a smaller travel footprint. 

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What Are Five Top Things To Do In Zimbabwe?

August 12,2019

Zimbabwe may not be a top name in safaris like South Africa, Kenya or Tanzania, but trust us -  this not a bad thing! Fewer travelers, further flung landscapes and authentic experiences await travelers who would venture off the beaten path, to giving this country a try for a safari experience set apart from the rest. Read on as we set out to explore five top things to do in Zimbabwe!

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Country Spotlight: Ecuador

July 24,2019

Though sometimes overlooked in favor of other destinations in South America, Ecuador’s wonders await the thoughtful traveler! Geographical, biological and cultural diversity make Ecuador an outstanding choice for those seeking out an exceptional adventure that can encompass a tremendous variety of experiences, all in one intimately small and easily traveled country.

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