Global Basecamps

Recent Posts - Travel Smarter, Blog Professionally

September 30,2010

Anil of FoXnoMad.comIf you empathize at all with my new must-get-to-Turkey-now plan, you’ll have no problem understanding what drew me to Anil of (He’s traveled there extensively). Even if you aren’t, the fact that he is sponsoring a contest that could get you 6 nights stay and airfare to almost anywhere of your choosing, is enough reason to read on. Beyond that, Anil earns the proud distinction of “Best in Travel Blogs” because he’s serious about blogging and it shows. Not to mention, that fact that he is a formally educated anthropologist and self proclaimed former computer hacker (the good kind) gives a nifty twist to his travel insights.

Global Basecamps: When and how did you get hooked on travel?

FoXnoMad: I’ve been traveling my entire life and suppose my curiosity to do so is strongly influenced by my parents, both of whom are journalists.

Global Basecamps: You are running an amazing “Live the Backpacker Life” contest. Can you tell us a bit more about it?

FoXnoMad: I want to give the opportunity for one of my readers to take a backpacking trip to most anywhere they want in the world. It’s a bit of a role-reversal. [Before October 5th] create a 3-5 minute travel video guide about a specific aspect of a given city and be the one traveling.

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A Delicious Blend of Travel Insight

September 14,2010

Audrey Scott and Daniel Noll of UncorneredMarket.comSome days, I think the world has too many travel blogs. Other days, I get so excited about a gem of a blog I find and can’t get enough of! Well, the couple that created, Audrey Scott and Daniel Noll, had me at “You might find us on a grimy, overnight chicken bus in rural India one day and sharing the story with an ambassador the next.” Now, that’s the kind of adventure I love to read about!

Blending wit, passion and loads of travel experience, the folks at Uncornered Market bring a vibrant voice to the travel blog arena. Audrey first got hooked on travel when her parents took her to live in India at 5 weeks old and Daniel caught the travel bug at a young age as well, pondering a ratty reinforced paper globe in an old World Book encyclopedia. (Ahh, pre-Internet memories, how lovely!) Read on for more travel insight and adventure in my interview with the creators of Uncornered Market.

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A New Alternative to Solo Travel:

August 31,2010 founders Lauren & Todd on Mt. KilimanjaroAre you ready to travel solo? I really wish I was, but like many, the idea of setting off for a big trip alone doesn’t give me the same warm fuzzy feeling that going on a journey with a like-minded, travel enthusiast friend does. (Shout out to my favorite travel partner, you know who you are!)

Unfortunately, as we grow out of the backpacking phase and the long summer vacations of our college days, lifestyles change, careers take over and scheduling travel with your besties becomes quite the logistical nightmare. And as much as I admire all the solo travelers out there, Janice from and Elizabeth Gilbert of “Eat, Pray, Love” fame to name a few, I am just not sure that’s me. Well, this week I found a very cool website that aims to keep people traveling on their terms, and not alone. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) is a “a tool for adventurous travelers to create trips and invite people from all over the world to join them.” First off, the site is beautiful (I am unabashed snob when it comes to this; If the colors make me cringe and graphics make me laugh, I’m gone). The fact that I was prompted to divulge my global travel “bucket list” when setting up my profile made me smile (if you’re interested, a long private yacht cruise to a private island in an uncharted sea tops my list). They also have a highly informative blog with great “How-to” articles, my favorite being “How to Get the Government to Pay for Your Next Round-the-World Trip.” Also useful, when scanning adventures other wanderlusts have potentially invited you to join, they rate the trip in terms of difficulty, culture shock, remoteness, and risk--important factors when vetting a potential travel partner. So, who’s up for a medium-difficulty, semi-remote, low risk, big culture shock trip? Egypt tours, India tours and Turkey are next on my list!

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Be a Successful Digital Nomad in The Travel Industry

July 12,2010

Almost Fearless Christine GilbertIf you love to travel, which if you are reading this I assume you do, the standard 9 to 5 and two week vacation a year job can definitely cramp your style. The good news is: winning the lottery isn’t your only way out of the rat race. In our search for the best in travel blogs, we’ve found someone who will not only inspire you to follow your vagabond dreams, but who can help you plan your escape and become a successful digital nomad. Christine Gilbert, creator of ditched her Fortune 500 corporate job in 2008 and has been traveling and working as a freelance writer ever since. With the tagline "Work Wirelessly. Travel the World. Do Anything." it isn’t surprising that her site has become one of the most popular travel blogs on the web. She is currently living in Bogotá, Colombia and will be on her way to Thailand in September. What we admire most about her is her passion for empowering others to follow in her footsteps and make their long-term travel fantasies a reality.

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Sustainable Southeast Asian Luxury at Alila Resorts in Bali, Indonesia

July 07,2010


At the end of your Indonesia tours in Southeast Asia, you gaze longingly at the the deep, cerulean horizon. The real world seems impossibly far away, and you'd give anything for one more day in this paradise...

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