
What Kinds of Trips Does Global Basecamps Offer?

August 9, 2018 Global Basecamps

Category Sustainable Travel

Global Basecamps, we are here to connect you to the most authentic sustainable travel experiences the world has to offer. We know that travel has the power to inspire, educate and transform, and that there are many reasons and occasions that guide where and why we travel. By sharing destination and sample itineraries - including activities, points of interest and special occasions that might be inspiring you to travel - we help you get started on your journey towards a trip of a lifetime. Read on to learn more about what kinds of travel experiences Global Basecamps has to offer!


From the simple and beautiful landscapes of our Ngorongoro and Serengeti safaris to the beaches of Zanzibar and heights of Kilimanjaro, we'll help get you to Tanzania's most alluring locales. Photos by @colinhrichard


Start PlanningWe are proud to serve primarily the Global South, covering Africa, Asia & Pacific, and Latin America. Through our partner operators, our tours ensure a positive impact on the environment, culture and economy of your destination. Our itineraries feature both rural areas with spectacular natural scenery and traditional cultures, and also more developed urban areas that host beautiful architecture and rich artistic expression, museums, restaurants and other attractions. Some of our more popular destination countries include Tanzania and South Africa in Africa’s, Thailand in Asia & Pacific, and Peru in Latin America. Other destinations, like Zimbabwe, Myanmar and Chile’s Atacama Desert are gaining popularity with travelers for their off the beaten path ambience and undiscovered secrets.


Sample Tours

Since we ultimately tailor each trip based on the individual traveler’s trip priorities, parameters and personal style, the itineraries on our website are sample trips meant to inspire and showcase our unique product and lodging. We have many sample tours that integrate multiple themes (India: Classic Sights & Hidden Gems, Best of Kenya, Wild Argentina), others that have n more specific activity focus (Best of East African Wildlife Safari, Authentic Nepal Explorer: Everest Basecamp Trek), and still others meant for family, honeymooners or those seeking a luxury experience (Beaches of Costa Rica, Indonesia: A Picture Perfect Bali Honeymoon, Luxury Japan Explorer).


Relishing in the beauty of Thailand’s rice paddies, beaches and temples will answer any questions you may have about why this has become a destination of choice for travelers of all kinds. Photos by @colinhrichard

While most of our trips continue to be custom made (with both private and shared activities) as they have been over the years, we are excited to be starting to add more shared departures to our product offerings now as well. These trips have a set departure date and welcome clients to sign up to be a part of a group that enjoys the bonding experience of sharing an entire itinerary together. 

Whatever travel experience you are after, Global Basecamps is here to help you create memories to last a lifetime. Get started by exploring our website, then get ready to explore the world!  

Start Planning

Tags: Sustainable Travel