What Are The Best Accessories and Gadgets For International Travel?

April 05,2019

Having the right gear when traveling can make for less tedious routine tasks (like clearing customs), better adventures (like treks and safaris!), and a better trip overall. Making sure you have the accessories and gadgets needed to keep the show on the road is the way to go, so read on for ten of our recommendations!

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How Can I Travel in Comfort on My Flight?

March 27,2019

Flying in comfort, especially on long flights, can be a challenge as you head off on your dream trip. But fear not … Global Basecamps is here to help! Read on for travel tips about how to manage your carryon luggage, your mind and your body to experience as much comfort as possible on long flights.

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What Are Five Top Things to Do in the Galapagos Islands?

March 20,2019

When it comes to island destinations, one stands out like no other: the Galapagos. Their isolation made them utterly unique ecologically before their discovery and research by Charles Darwin, whose research led to some of biology’s most important theories. Less than a two hour flight from Ecuador, the stark and peculiar landscapes and dazzling undersea world of the Galapagos Islands offer an array of activities and points of interest. Join us as we explore five top things to do on Galapagos tours!

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What Are Some Useful Words and Phrases When Traveling In Brazil?

March 15,2019

 The largest country in South America, Brazil is an amazing place to visit! Adventuring in Brazil can mean nights in tents and traditional hammocks while exploring bizarre and beautiful desert landscapes full of sparkling lagoons, luxury hotels in legendary cities like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and thoughfully appointed ecolodges while out exploring the country’s endless natural areas.

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How Much Does an African Safari Cost?

March 12,2019

Of all the travel experiences the world has to offer, the African safari remains a top choice and lifelong dream for many travelers. The continent of Africa hosts innumerable cultures and a kaleidoscope of wildlife biodiversity, and a safari is the perfect way to experience this dazzling part of the world.

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